Home » The Bundestag urged the United States to stop playing with fire and incite Ukraine to this

The Bundestag urged the United States to stop playing with fire and incite Ukraine to this

by alex

Bundestag deputy Kotrets: US encourages Kiev's unreasonable demands on Europe

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Bundestag deputy from the party “Alternative for Germany” Stefan Kotrets called on the United States to stop playing with fire and incite Ukraine to this. In a commentary to Lente.ru, he noted that Washington directly and indirectly encourages Kiev to make unreasonable demands with regard to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

The politician also commented on the recent signing by US President Joe Biden of the defense budget for 2022 without including sanctions against the gas pipeline. According to him, such a step is “a small ray of hope.” “But only when the United States comes to its senses and refuses any interference in gas supplies to Europe, we will be able to talk about complete clarity [regarding the future of the gas pipeline],” said Cotrets.

On December 27, US President Joe Biden signed the country's defense budget for 2022. The law provides for funds to contain Russia, but the document rejected new sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The final version of the draft also excluded initiatives to limit the sovereign debt of Russia and 35 Russians, including ministers, wealthy businessmen, public figures and journalists, presumably close to the authorities.

On November 16, Germany temporarily suspended the Nord Stream 2 certification process. The suspension of this process is due to legal changes. The German regulator clarified that it will continue certification after Gazprom completes the creation of a subsidiary in Germany for the German part of the pipeline.

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