Home » The British general said that the West should prepare to contain Russia: trust has been finally lost

The British general said that the West should prepare to contain Russia: trust has been finally lost

by alex

He stressed that Moscow must be contained.

The former Chief of the British General Staff, General Richard Dannat, believes that even after the end of the war in Ukraine, the West should prepare to contain the aggressor Russia. After all, trust in Moscow was finally lost.

He expressed this opinion to The Telegraph newspaper.

According to him, the West will be forced to increase military spending, as well as strengthen the border with the aggressor state. The general is convinced that the countries will have to unite against any expansionist intentions of the Russian Federation.

“When will the West be able to trust Russia again? When will sanctions be lifted? How will European countries ensure that they never again allow themselves to fall into such trade interconnectedness with Russia and energy dependence on it? These are uncomfortable questions that NATO, the United States and European leaders must intensely seek answers to,” the British general said.

Moreover, Dannat notes that the question remains open : Will the Kremlin's attitude towards the West change after the Russian Federation is forced to withdraw its troops from Ukraine, including Crimea.

At the same time, the ex-head of the British General Staff noted that experience shows that Moscow needs to be contained, and also push her to agree to take her place in the world.

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