Home » The boy who disappeared 6 years ago was finally found: where did he escape from and who saved him (photo)

The boy who disappeared 6 years ago was finally found: where did he escape from and who saved him (photo)

by alex

This time he lived among the "spiritual community".

Missing Briton Alex Betty was found alive and healthy after first being reported missing in 2017.

The Daily Star writes about this.

The boy, from Oldham, Greater Manchester, was 11 years old when he went missing while traveling with his family in Spain in October 2017. No one has seen him since.

Prosecutors say he spent the last six years living among a “spiritual community” at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains in France before he escaped and was picked up by a truck driver who alerted authorities. Now prosecutors have said Alex, now 17, turned up in Reval, near Toulouse, in the southern region of Occitanie.

Мальчика, пропавшего 6 лет назад, наконец-то нашли: откуда он сбежал и кто его спас (фото)

Local news outlet La Depeche reported: “The secret of Alex Betti is about to be revealed. Although he did not show any official documents to the gendarmes (police) who detained him, the 17-year-old boy revealed his identity. the face and story match in every respect the identity of the British man kidnapped in 2017. The Toulouse prosecutor confirmed that this is indeed Alex Betti.”

When he disappeared, the child was with his mother Melanie Betty and grandfather David Betty, then aged 37 and 58 respectively. Both adults were prohibited from being near Alex during his disappearance due to domestic problems.

Мальчика, пропавшего 6 лет назад, наконец-то нашли: откуда он сбежал и кто его спас (фото)

After a two-week trip to Marbella, the family intended to return to the UK, but did not return. The police then began an investigation after Alex went missing.

Alex's grandmother and official caregiver Susan Caruana said she believed the group may have adopted an “alternative lifestyle” somewhere. Speaking at the time, she said: “They didn't want Alex to go to school, they don't believe in regular school.”

Investigators believe Alex fled the countryside near the Pyrenees mountain range. The boy is believed to have spent several days camping before being picked up by a truck driver.

However, a motorist reportedly became suspicious of Alex's circumstances and contacted the police. Answering questions from detectives, the young man “talked about his incredible journey with serenity and calm.”

“His story has been verified and appears to be true,” the message said. “After this hearing, the teenager was transferred to the department's social services while he awaited a statement from his relatives.”

Recall that a neighbor heroically saved a woman and a dog from an apartment engulfed in fire through a window. A fire broke out on the 4th floor of a high-rise building.

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