Home » The beginning of the war in Ukraine was called the last chance of the United States to hold Europe

The beginning of the war in Ukraine was called the last chance of the United States to hold Europe

by alex

Leonkov, a military expert, said that the United States is trying to hold Europe by starting a war in Ukraine

Photo: Pixabay

Military expert of the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland” Alexey Leonkov in an interview with the publication “Ukraine.ru” said that it is extremely important for the United States to be called the main world power, but this will not work without influence on Europe. And since Europe has begun to gradually withdraw from the sphere of influence of the United States, their last chance to remain a hegemon and retain allies is to play a bloody play in Ukraine.

“The project to make Europe pro-American again was subordinated – no one canceled it. Because the United States without Europe is not a great power, it is not a global hegemon. Yes, Europe is an economic competitor of the United States, and the United States has kept its hand on Europe’s throat all the time to periodically put it down. But now Europe, thanks to China, thanks to cooperation with Russia, is breaking out from under such subordination,” the expert said.

In order to do this, there is only one way, Leonkov noted— to arrange a war in Ukraine. But here, too, the Americans faced problems. Moscow responds to provocations, but is not going to fight, and at the UN Security Council, China supported Russia’s position on the situation in Ukraine, which further complicates the matter. However, Washington will continue its attempts for lack of another way out, he summed up.

Earlier, political analyst Mikhail Pogrebinsky said that despite the expected decline in the escalation of the situation around Ukraine after the harsh rhetoric of some parties, there were no noticeable improvements. He explained that the West deliberately acts in such a way that it becomes impossible to negotiate with it.

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