Home ยป The action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of Russia's activities in Antarctica was approved

The action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of Russia's activities in Antarctica was approved

by alex

4th of July. FINMARKET.RU – Modernization of the expeditionary infrastructure, carrying out comprehensive scientific research, environmental protection, advanced training of expedition participants are included in the plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of Russia's activities in Antarctica. This document was approved by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the press service of the government reports.

The document provides for the creation of new wintering complexes at the Vostok and Mirny stations to accommodate members of the expeditions. Infrastructure facilities will be reconstructed at the Russkaya and Novolazarevskaya stations, including residential blocks, laboratory complexes, power supply stations, and treatment facilities. It is also planned to modernize communication and navigation systems, a phased renewal of the fleet of transport equipment.

“Within the framework of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, a complex of studies of various directions will be carried out: magnetospheric, hydrological, biological, oceanological, meteorological. In particular, it is planned to study in more detail the subglacial Lake Vostok, biological resources of the Southern Ocean, the geological structure of Antarctica, to conduct its aerial photography. A number of fundamental studies, for example, on climatic changes and the transformation of ecological systems in the South Pole region, have been announced.

In addition, in order to preserve the unique Antarctic ecosystem, it is planned to allocate funds to the creation of modern complexes for the processing of liquid and solid waste, to take out the removal of dilapidated structures and unusable equipment. “For the same purpose, additional training of personnel will be organized. The plan also provides for advanced training of employees in mountain and speleological training programs, the basics of survival in the Arctic and Antarctic,” the message says.

“One of the directions of the plan is the development of the system of the Antarctic Treaty (entered into force in 1961). Its goal is to create conditions for the use of Antarctica in the interests of all mankind. As part of this task, Russia will participate in special consultative meetings and committees, steps will be taken to expand bilateral and multilateral interaction with the states parties to the treaty, “the press service said.

The document also includes selected initiatives related to Antarctic tourism. In total, the plan includes more than 50 events.

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