Home ยป Terrorists seized a prison and released 400 more terrorists

Terrorists seized a prison and released 400 more terrorists

by alex

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Militants of the Somali terrorist group Al-Shabab, a wing of the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), seized a prison in the city of Bossaso in northeastern Somalia. Local portal Garowe writes about it.

After the terrorists took the prison by storm, a shootout ensued. As a result, eight people died and several more were injured. According to the portal, the militants managed to seize the prison and release another 400 people. Most of them are extremists awaiting trial, including members of the Islamic State (IS, banned in Russia).

In August 2020, gunmen seized a military base near the city of Baidoa in the Bai region. It was shared by the army and local militia forces. A car loaded with explosives rammed the gates of the base, then the carnage began.

Al-Shabab operates in Somalia and beyond. In 2014, the militants of the group lost most of the territories they controlled, but they continue to carry out terrorist attacks. Their total number is estimated at seven thousand militants.

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