Home » Terrorist attacks in Russia will continue: a sociologist named the reason

Terrorist attacks in Russia will continue: a sociologist named the reason

by alex

According to Alexander Shulga, the Kremlin needs a spectacular picture with victims to distract Russians from real problems.

After the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall there is the potential for a series of similar operations with which the Kremlin will try to distract Russians from economic problems.

The head of the Institute of Conflictology and Analysis of Russia, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Alexander Shulga, spoke about this on Espresso.

“In itself, this narrative, logically and based on all our previous experience, must be confirmed by specific actions, that is, logically it cannot be done with one terrorist attack, it must be a series of terrorist attacks,” says Shulga.

According to him, after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, there were a number of “allegedly prevented terrorist attacks.” Among them, for example, are icons with explosives allegedly imported from Ukraine, and a murdered “Ukrainian agent” who was planning to carry out a terrorist attack. But such cases do not provide a spectacular picture, so the Kremlin authorities need full-fledged operations with a large number of victims, such as the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.

“Only then will it be possible to fulfill the main goal that the Kremlin is now pursuing on the eve of a new mobilization, because nothing such a breakthrough happened during Putin’s last tenure. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a cognitive turn in consciousness – from economic issues, from finance, from high prices, low salaries, which are now the biggest problems for Russians, we need to return them to a state of sublime irrationality: prestige, victory, we are the greatest,” explained the head of ICAR.

Shulga added that precisely in the absence of significant successes at the front that would overshadow economic problems, Moscow will try to use another irrational approach – fear and rallying around the leader.

According to the sociologist, now even Russian patriots have doubts about the current government, and Russian propaganda broadcasts contradictory narratives.

“What you say about doubts – they exist, what you say about questions – they also exist. And in fact, now they have resorted to the good old method of terrorism so that the Russians do not ask questions, so that there are no doubts, so that there is no time to think. This already exists, but there is also a question: will this lead to what we need and how long will it be extended over time. Because we are paying very dearly for these fluctuations in Russian society and to us I would like not to do this at all,” summed up Doctor of Sociological Sciences Alexander Shulga.

Recall that the expert named the main goal of blaming Ukraine for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. According to political scientist Vladimir Fesenko, after this attack the level of hatred towards Ukraine among Russians again rose to its maximum.

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