Home » Termination of cooperation between foreign banks and Russia: what leverage does the United States have?

Termination of cooperation between foreign banks and Russia: what leverage does the United States have?

by alex

Turkish, Chinese, as well as the largest European banks – the Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International and the Italian UniCredit – continue to operate in Russia.

The largest foreign investor in Russia until 2005, William Browder in conversation with 24 Channel< /strong> shared how to force banks to stop cooperation with the occupying country.

The US can stop this

If the US Treasury threatens foreign banks with revoking their license to move dollars, it will definitely change their behavior instantly.

I am surprised that Raiffeisen Bank International was so stubborn on this issue. After all, it is obvious that this outrages all neighbors and allies of Austria,” Browder emphasized.

In this way, financial ties between Chinese, Turkish and Russian banks can also be stopped. Once dollar transactions stop, the bank will effectively cease to be a bank.

The United States has the ability to cut off banks it doesn't like from the dollar system, – noted William Browder.

The US has leverage to ensure foreign banks act in accordance with the rules. No bank wants to be blacklisted and cut off from the United States of America.

What are they waiting for

Now foreign banks are trying to find out how long they can work with an aggressor country with impunity. Because withdrawing money from Russia is extremely profitable, because Russians have few options.

And so now everyone is weighing whether the profit is worth the risk. The US government should do the following, say: “No, the risk for you is catastrophic, don’t do this,” stated the largest foreign investor in Russia before 2005.

Foreign banks in Russia: what is known

  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned European banks that they are taking a great risk by continuing work in Russia. She said the United States was considering strengthening secondary banking sanctions.
  • Russia seized the assets of the German bank Deutsche Bank. The lawsuit was filed by the St. Petersburg company RusKhimAlliance, which is 50% owned by the Russian corporation Gazprom. As a result, Deutsche Bank no longer has the right to dispose of its 100% share in the authorized capital of the Russian subsidiary, as well as Deutsche Bank Technology Center LLC.
  • Before this Russia arrested the accounts of the largest US bank – JPMorgan. State-owned Russian bank VTB has gone to court to recover blocked funds following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. An American bank filed a lawsuit in New York against VTB, noting the impossibility of returning funds due to American law.

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