Dominic Thiem has recently been campaigning for the fight against poaching with the WWF. “I don't look away anymore,” he says in a video.
Dominic Thiem and the nature conservation organization WWF Austria drew attention to the problem of international wildlife crime on Saturday and called for decisive action against it.
“Poaching causes unimaginable suffering and endangers endangered species such as tigers and elephants. That is why I support the WWF in the fight against poaching,” said the tennis professional. In a video, Thiem asked to follow his example.
On the verge of extinction
The illegal trade in wild animals makes an annual turnover of up to 20 billion euros. “But the problem is often not taken seriously enough – there are too few controls and too few fines,” said Georg Scattolin, responsible for species protection at WWF Austria.
20,000 elephants alone fall victim to greed for profit every year. Poaching has driven several important animal species to the brink of extinction or has already made them disappear entirely. For example, the last tiger was seen in Vietnam in 2002.