Home ยป Telegram, books, dating: what did the Russians do during the global network outage

Telegram, books, dating: what did the Russians do during the global network outage

by alex

Telegram, VKontakte, Viber and Odnoklassniki were able to dramatically increase traffic thanks to a seven-hour disruption to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. This was reported by Kommersant.

The crash occurred on October 4 and became one of the most serious in the history of Facebook. This triggered a fall in the stock markets and the company's shares, which is why Mark Zuckerberg, according to media estimates, lost about $ 6 billion. During the outage, the load on other services increased, which is why they also began to work intermittently.

Facebook blamed a misconfiguration of the routers that distribute traffic between data centers as the cause of the failure. This led to the severing of communication between data centers.

On the evening of October 4, the number of registrations on VKontakte increased by 54 percent, there were 21 more messages sent, and the active audience increased by 19 percent (all indicators – compared to the previous day).

The Viber messenger reported a fivefold increase in registrations around the world, and Odnoklassniki recorded 25 percent more registrations than last Monday.

According to “Beeline.Analytika”, registrations in Telegram on October 4 increased by 143 percent compared to the average daily indicator.

In addition to switching to alternative social networks, Russians began to actively use telephone communications.

Within a few hours, MTS subscribers increased the number of outgoing SMS by 4.6 times, at VimpelCom the growth in the number of outgoing messages almost quadrupled, and calls – 1.8 times. According to MTS, the duration of calls increased by 2.5 times, while for Vimpelcom this indicator increased by 2.9 times against the same hours of the previous day.

Changes during the outage were also noted by book services: for example, “Liters” recorded an eight percent increase in sales of digital books compared to the previous day.

The general director of the dating site Mamba Andrei Bronetsky said that against the background of the failure, the number of messages sent in the service increased “instantly by almost 30 percent.”

Most of the polled by Kommersant Services reported that on October 5, traffic indicators returned to their usual levels. Experts told the newspaper that the damage from the failure for Russian advertisers amounted to 70 million rubles per hour (we are talking about lost profits).

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