Home » Taurus supplies for Ukraine: missile maker makes encouraging announcement

Taurus supplies for Ukraine: missile maker makes encouraging announcement

by alex

The head of the company that produces Taurus missiles, Joachim Knopf, said that rapid replenishment of missiles will not be a problem if they decide to transfer them to Ukraine.

< p>The German company Taurus Systems GmbH has denied the statement of Social Democratic Party of Germany defense expert Johannes Arlt that the German defense industry will not be able to quickly replenish missile stocks if they are supplied to Ukraine.

DW writes about this.

“In the event of an appropriate order, the manufacturer is ready in the shortest possible time to both begin production of new Taurus missiles and modify existing ones,” he wrote on the social network.

In addition, back in November, the manufacturing company MBDA, which owns Taurus Systems, stated that it was able to quickly not only increase the production of Taurus missiles, but also integrate new technical advances into them.

Supply of Taurus missiles to Ukraine

On the evening of Wednesday, January 17, the German Bundestag rejected the proposal of the CDU/CSU parliamentary faction, which called on the federal government to supply Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

Even representatives of the Greens and the Free Democratic Party, who for a long time insisted on the supply of missiles, did not vote for this proposal. Politicians belonging to the parties forming the government coalition with Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats did not support the bill precisely because it was put forward by the opposition right-wing conservatives from the CDU/CSU.

Earlier, the head of the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany, Friedrich Merz, implored Chancellor Olaf Scholz to provide Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles, which, in his opinion, could destroy the Kerch Bridge, since they have a range of about 500 km.

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