Home » Tame Russia: British Ambassador hopes to cooperate with the United States

Tame Russia: British Ambassador hopes to cooperate with the United States

by alex

Britain demands from Biden to oppose Russia

Great Britain looks forward to working with the United States to counter Russia and China. This statement was made by the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States, Karen Pearce. She noted that this is especially important during the recovery period after the coronavirus pandemic.

According to her, one of the “biggest challenges” for London and Washington is “strategic rivalry from Russia and China, especially China.” Pierce noted that it needs to be done so that “open societies can be seen to thrive and recover from the coronavirus pandemic.”

“We, for example, do not want to wake up one day and find out that Chinese standards are valid in areas such as artificial intelligence and cyberspace,” she outlined the position of the UK. At the same time, the British ambassador stressed that her country is counting on cooperation with American politicians in this direction.

Pierce said she had contact with people “around Biden's team.” But she did not have direct communication with assistants to the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

The American authorities have repeatedly argued that Russia and China pose a threat to world security. Earlier, the Pentagon presented a report in which the military said they would be more determined to respond to challenges. In particular, the Americans want to expand their naval forces with the help of “smaller, more maneuverable and even unmanned ships.” This, in their opinion, will help the United States maintain its strategic advantage.

The Pentagon said that “aggressiveness” has been growing recently from Russia and China. Beijing has been called “the most urgent long-term strategic threat.”

According to the authors of the report, Moscow and Beijing are doing everything possible to undermine and rebuild the international system in their interests. As analysts clarified, the Russian Federation and the PRC are taking “a number of hostile measures.”

The United States is confident that Beijing and Moscow are their “unyielding rivals”, which represent “overarching challenges” for the country. The report suggested that in the event of a war, Beijing and Moscow could seize the territories they need faster than the United States and its allies could react.

Shortly before the publication of the Pentagon report, the head of the State Department, Mike Pompeo, included Russia in the list of “enemies of the United States.” He stated that the Russian authorities are “a real risk for those who love freedom.” At the same time, the foreign minister is sure that the United States has more than one enemy in the person of Russia. He also named another United States rival, China. According to Pompeo, Beijing is an “existential” threat.

At the same time, Pompeo expressed confidence that Russia is aiming “large nuclear missiles at the United States.”

He previously accused Russia of fomenting conflicts in the Mediterranean. History is distorted by misinterpreting American actions, he said. Pompeo said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “misunderstood the facts” that a new UN secretary general's special envoy for Libya had not been appointed. This, according to Pompeo, is “regrettable.” This position of Russia, the US Secretary of State is sure, “sows chaos and conflicts, a split within the Mediterranean countries”.

“Russia continues to threaten stability in the Mediterranean by using various methods to spread misinformation and undermine national sovereignty,” Pompeo added.

Russia “supported the attack on the Libyan capital,” a US official said, undermining efforts to bring peace to the country. He also recalled Moscow's alleged violation of the UN embargo on arms supplies to Libya.

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