Home » Takeover of Wirecard's core business by Santander completed

Takeover of Wirecard's core business by Santander completed

by alex

Almost all jobs in the former Wirecard headquarters in Bavaria are to be retained.

As announced, the major Spanish bank Santander took over the core business of the scandalous group Wirecard, including 500 employees, with a slight delay. The deal has now been concluded, announced insolvency administrator Michael Jaffé on Thursday. Almost all jobs in the former Wirecard headquarters in Aschheim outside Munich are to be retained.

“With the successful sale to Santander, we have achieved our goal of finding the best possible solution for employees and creditors,” said Jaffé. The lawyer had originally announced that the takeover would be completed in 2020.

Santander is adopting Wirecard technology for processing credit card payments, the associated assets and a large part of the employees – but not Wirecard companies. This saves Santander both their debts and legal risks.

The former Wirecard employees now work for Getnet, the Spaniards' payment platform. According to reports, the purchase price is more than 100 million euros, but Jaffé and Santander had agreed not to disclose.

Payment service providers such as Getnet and Wirecard process card payments in retail and on the Internet. You sit at the interface between banks and credit card companies on the one hand and the affiliated retailers on the other.

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