Home » Switzerland allowed to use capsule for euthanasia

Switzerland allowed to use capsule for euthanasia

by alex

It was created using a 3D printer.

A capsule for euthanasia Sarco passed a legal examination in Switzerland : now it can be used.

Swissinfo reports this with reference to the founder of the company Philip Nitschke.

Sarco capsule is made of plastic using a 3D printer. It contains nitrogen. A person who dares to euthanize will be able to start the mechanism on his own. The capsule works according to the following principle: after opening the gas, the person is in a state of euphoria, loses consciousness, and then dies. The process takes about 30 seconds.

It is noted that the capsules will be delivered to Switzerland, since the use of euthanasia is officially allowed. By the way, over the past year, about 1.3 thousand Swiss decided to euthanize. Now they use the method of using liquid sodium pentobarbital.

Recall that in December last year in Austria seriously ill people were allowed to voluntarily leave this life .

In February 2020- In a similar step, Germany resorted to, where the Constitutional Court overturned the ban on assisted suicide through private clinics. Prior to that, in Europe, assistance to seriously ill patients to die was allowed by law only in Belgium, Netherlands , Switzerland and Luxembourg.

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