Home ยป Swifts have flown away, there are no starlings yet: Moscow escorts migratory birds to warmer regions

Swifts have flown away, there are no starlings yet: Moscow escorts migratory birds to warmer regions

by alex

The people have a lot of signs associated with birds. Including flights. For example, if the starlings started south ahead of time, the winter, according to beliefs, will be cold. If the flock flies high above the ground and strictly in your direction, expect good luck (but do not forget to hide somewhere – under the fungus on the playground, for example). They also say that it is better not to count the birds that get into a wedge during the flight – the memory will become bad.

Swifts have flown away, there are no starlings yet: Moscow escorts migratory birds to warm regions

And so on.

In Moscow, the departure of the feathered delegations is proceeding according to the schedule – no early departures are expected. Ornithologists of the bird shelter in Sokolniki reported this to the KP.ru website.

The first, as usual, to get up on the wing was the cuckoo. Extremely freedom-loving bird. So much so that it doesn't even have its own nest. And he throws eggs to strangers, unfamiliar mothers (this is a well-known fact). Swifts followed them to the warm lands. They are famous for the fact that they spend almost their entire life in flight. Even when they are sleeping. They are capable of speeds up to 170 km / h. They hibernate over the territories of Algeria, Morocco, Israel and other countries. The swallows are already at the resort. These birds have an amazing memory. And they can find their own nest (somewhere under the eaves of the house), which they made last year. A couple is created, like swifts, once for a lifetime. Iron.

Swifts have flown away, there are no starlings yet: Moscow escorts migratory birds to warm regions

Who else is reaching south? River tern. Sandpiper-carrier. Hobby. Kingfisher. Quail. Garden warbler. Zhulan. Pied flycatcher. Field Harrier.

And who stayed, but will fly away soon? Wasp eater. Kestrel. Wagtail.

Swifts have flown away, there are no starlings yet: Moscow escorts migratory birds to warm regions

– First of all, insectivorous birds are sent to warm countries, because they have less and less food, – explained to “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in the State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda”. – They most often flock, because together it is easier to fight off predators and easier to find food.

Interesting fact. Migratory birds very accurately sense when it is time for them to dump. Even if Moscow has suddenly become warmer, the sun is shining and there is still plenty of food. Instinct tells the animals that winter is near anyway. Some of them fly very far. For example, black swifts are scratching to southern Africa, and this, for a minute, is nine thousand kilometers. Therefore, they start not even in September, but at the end of summer.

We perked up skis and waterfowl. Such as broad-toothed and teal-cracker. The first has a long beak and a very trusting character (therefore, it is constantly pursued by hunters). The second is able to pop during mating games (we are talking about males).

– Birds that can partially switch from animal feed to vegetable food will stay a little longer, – add ornithologists. – Starlings, finches and most species of blackbirds will start flying in mid-October. Gulls, fieldbirds, wild geese, larks and part of mallards will fly away among the very last, already at the end of October – beginning of November.

The flight route is traditional – various countries in Africa and southern Europe.

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