Home ยป Swamp sediments helped restore the ancient climate of Siberia

Swamp sediments helped restore the ancient climate of Siberia

by alex

Swamp sediments helped restore the ancient climate of Siberia

Russian scientists have established how the climate of Siberia has changed over the past 9 thousand years. To do this, they analyzed swamp sediments from a site near Krasnoyarsk, Boreas reports.

Scientists have applied a new scientific method. For example, they examined non-pollen samples (fungal spores, algae, remains of invertebrates). In addition, they were able to establish the age of the peat and assess the layers of mineral substances. This helped provide a more detailed picture of climate change.

The study showed that the peak of warming in Siberia occurred 8150-7400 years ago. Then it became more humid, fir trees began to be found more often in the forests.

Later, 7400-5100 years ago, a drought set in. Forest fires have become much more frequent. Approximately 4.5 thousand years ago, the most humid period began – scientists discovered traces of spills.

Sediment analysis indicated that there was a slight drought 1400-1300 years ago, followed by a warm and humid period that ended 650 years ago.

In the Little Ice Age (450-300 years ago), spruce began to spread in the forests. There has also been an increase in the number of shell amoebas, which like high humidity. The last three hundred years, according to scientists, can be called moderately humid.

Previously, scientists have established when Antarctica was devoid of ice. This happened 5.5 million years ago.

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