Home » Survived nuclear tests: a terrible story of a pensioner who lives in the basement due to shelling

Survived nuclear tests: a terrible story of a pensioner who lives in the basement due to shelling

by alex

The situation in Kharkov/Channel 24 Collage

The situation in Kharkiv has somewhat calmed down, but in the region it is the opposite. In some areas of the city, people continue to live in shelters or basements.

Our correspondent from Kharkov managed to talk to one of these women, who continues to live in the basement due to enemy shelling by Russians. She spoke about this on Channel 24.

Survived nuclear tests

According to her, the elderly woman does not want to leave her hometown. Volunteers help her with everything. She practically lives by candlelight, as the journalist said.

The pensioner explained her unwillingness to evacuate to her.

I don't want to. This is my city. I got this apartment by blood and sweat. I survived Semipalatinsk (a city in Kazakhstan – 24 channels). There were open nuclear tests, – the woman shared.

The woman frankly admitted that it was much easier to survive these “experiments” with nuclear weapons.

“Because we knew from nuclear tests that we were alive, they would put windows back in. And here you can’t predict when they will shoot,” she added.

Help. From 1949 to 1990 The USSR conducted 715 tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, on Novaya Zemlya and elsewhere in Russia and Kazakhstan. This is one of the largest landfills in the world. On August 29, 1991, it was closed.

What is the current situation in Kharkiv: the latest news

  • Over the past few days, locals have been observing that the Russian occupiers are hitting Kharkiv less. On the contrary, the shelling intensified in the region.
  • Despite the calmer situation in the city than usual, there are no fewer air alarms.
  • At the same time, yesterday, May 3, in two districts Kharkiv – central and in the area of ​​​​Pavlov Poly – it is better to stay at home and not leave shelters at all.
  • While in the districts of Saltovka, entire houses are practically destroyed – there are no windows, there are through holes, entire floors burned out as a result shelling. Shells even flew into cellars.

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