Home ยป “Surovikin knows no other tactics”: when and why Russia planned a massive rocket attack

“Surovikin knows no other tactics”: when and why Russia planned a massive rocket attack

by alex

The day before, Putin appointed a new head of the “special operation” in Ukraine. The Russian troops were led by General Sergei Surovikin, known as the “Syrian butcher”.

After his “accession to the throne”, Russian troops launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine. This is Surovikin's signature style, thanks to which he took this position. About this Channel 24said military expert, instructor pilot and reserve colonel Roman Svitan.

What is known about Surovikin

According to Svitan, the new commander of the Russian forces is a field officer who has hardly shown himself anywhere. This general does not have the necessary military mind, thanks to which he would be able to perform tasks on the battlefield. Therefore, he did not come up with anything better than using aviation and military space troops to strike in order to completely clean up cities along with their inhabitants. This has already happened in the city of Aleppo in Syria.

The same tactic was used in Mariupol. He could not take the city, put more than 10,000 Russian troops there. After the front line was moved, our air defense moved away from the city, he pulled out the Aerospace Forces, and they “rolled out” the city, destroying more than 10 thousand civilians. He simply does not know any other tactics,โ€ Svitan noted.

Having lost the initiative at the front, having suffered huge losses and retreating along almost the entire 1,000-kilometer front line, on the second day of his appointment, he set the task of the Russian Aerospace Forces to strike at Zaporozhye using aviation and missile components – Tu-22, Su-34 aircraft participated. , Kh-22, Kh-59 missiles. Then the Russians attacked civilian targets and killed many of our compatriots. The reserve colonel notes: this is Surovikin's style of work, and it is for this style that Putin appointed him to this post.

Today we saw the continuation of his actions. An attack in several stages: first, launching missiles at peaceful points, which forced air defense to work out, the second wave – at critical infrastructure facilities, – the instructor pilot explained.

Ukraine needs weapons

The military expert emphasizes that the attack by the Russians was multi-layered with the use of various types of weapons. They were intended to confuse our air defenses or to ensure that we discharged all the launchers. It is worth noting that our air defense shot down more than half of the missiles from the total number fired at Ukraine by infidels. Yes, she worked as hard as she could. The military expert emphasizes that we still lack:

  • long-range radar weapons systems – we see missiles late;
  • air defense systems of the IRIS-T or NASAMS level – we need at least a few dozens of pieces in order to block the movement of missiles by 70 – 80%;
  • Patriot – to rebuild at least three echelons of our air defense;
  • an AWACS-type system – airborne early warning aircraft;
  • a unified control system for the entire air defense system;
  • a parity weapon of the Tomahawk type to destroy missile carriers at airfields.
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    This is not revenge for the Crimean bridge

    The massive missile attack, the reserve colonel emphasizes, was planned in advance – at least 1 – 2 weeks ago. The training of flight personnel and missilemen, the definition of tasks, the supply of weapons – this is a whole complex that is not completed within a few days. “This movement started at the beginning of the month,” notes Svitan.

    Consequently, the Crimean Bridge was not at all the reason for “Putin's fury”. Yes, the Russians simply perform a certain task, which is clearly scheduled. All the statements that we hear are embedded in the paradigm of these plans. “The Crimean bridge just went in parallel, because they had to somehow get out of this situation. If it weren't for it, the same actions would take place without the media component,” the military expert said.

    He adds that it can be a preparation for certain actions in the international arena, in particular, negotiations.

    Before any negotiations, terrorists raise the stakes – they kill hostages, punish them in order to look more powerful, scarier and sell their further non-participation in any military operations,โ€ Svitan emphasized.

    It was by appointing Surovikin that the Kremlin dictator could raise the bar. We will soon see clearly why this was done.

    How will the appointment of Surovikin affect the war: expert opinions

    • General Surovikin is known as a man capable of carrying out any order. So, probably, the Russian president is preparing a terrorist response to the blowing up of the Crimean bridge. According to Russian opposition journalist Igor Yakovenko, this could be a blow to Kyiv or any other city. For a “military response” Putin simply does not have the resources.
    • Putin regularly changes leaders. As the Major General of the SBU reserve assures, this only aggravates the situation, because the Russian president does not allow his puppets to draw at least some conclusions from the defeats on the battlefield.
    • Military expert Oleg Zhdanov notes that Putin is more likely of all, chose the most devoted general. Repressions will not be applied to him and he can “clean up” the General Staff.

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