Home » Support for the Sumy region is peace in Ukraine: the head of the Sumy Regional State Administration called for assistance to the region

Support for the Sumy region is peace in Ukraine: the head of the Sumy Regional State Administration called for assistance to the region

by alex

The head of the Sumy State Administration, Dmitry Zhyvitsky, called on the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukraine's international partners to provide weapons and equipment for the defense of the region.

According to him, if the enemy in the Sumy region is not defeated now, then he will go to Kiev .

— For the first time in the 6 days of the war in Ukraine and the Sumy region, I appeal not to the residents of the Sumy region, but to the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, I appeal to the entire civilized world, to the President of every country that considers itself democratic, I appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the future of Ukraine, Europe, the whole world,” Dmitry Zhivitsky began.

He stated that at present, more than tens of thousands of equipment, heavy weapons, multiple launch rocket systems have entered the Sumy region , which ply the territory of the entire region and destroy people in Ukraine.

According to him, the city of Akhtyrka was shelled, which is now almost half destroyed.

– Today, marauders of the Russian so-called army are rampaging throughout the entire region. But our territorial defense today holds all the settlements, with bare hands and with machine guns in our hands with Molotov cocktails, we stop dozens and hundreds of enemy equipment ,” said the chairman of the Sumy Regional State Administration.

He said that right now dozens, hundreds of Russian Iskanders, Grads, Hurricanes, Bukovs, tanks, armored personnel carriers, columns of tankers are entering the territory of the Sumy region .

“We understand that if there is no support for our army today by Bayraktars, if there is no support for aviation, if there is no bombardment of these targets with accurate missiles, if we do not stop this invasion in the Sumy region, they will be in Kiev tomorrow . And this problem is not only ours. This is a problem today for all of Ukraine, all of Europe and the entire civilized world , – said Dmitry Zhyvitsky.

He demanded to provide the Sumy region with Bayraktor strikes and work on enemy ground targets with high-precision weapons and missiles.

– I demand aviation, which will not allow my native Sumy region to be wiped off the face of the earth today. We need thermal imagers, we need sniper rifles and cartridges, we need walkie-talkies, we need protection – body armor, helmets, we need tactical clothing, we need grenade launchers, Javelin, NLAW, any anti-tank rocket systems,” said Dmitry Zhivitsky.

He stated that the territorial defense of the Sumy region has poor equipment, but protects more than a million inhabitants of the region. Therefore, they need help to keep the area peaceful, independent and able to hold the line.

“Today, thanks to our heroic terrorist defense, we are holding, burning, destroying, sending the enemy back to Russia. Today the column turned around and went back,” he said.

He said that today the Sumy region and every inhabitant of the region – from a newborn and a small child to an old person – is protected by NATO.

“And NATO is not a NATO bloc, it is Our Fucking Territorial Defense … And believe me, if the Sumy region is supported, then there will be peace in Ukraine, there will be peace in Europe and there will be peace in the world,” he summed up.

Recall that on March 1, the first exchange of prisoners took place near Sumy. Five Ukrainians were exchanged by joint forces for one aggressor officer, a native of Omsk.

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