Home » Summons for interrogation and searches of apartments. In Moscow began to check the citizens of Ukraine

Summons for interrogation and searches of apartments. In Moscow began to check the citizens of Ukraine

by alex

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB received an order to carefully check all citizens of Ukraine living in Moscow. About This is reported by the independent Russian human rights media project OVD-Info, referring to the stories of two Ukrainians who do not know each other.

In the first case, we are talking about a Ukrainian citizen working in Moscow in the service sector. The girl said that she and her friend were summoned to the police for interrogation, during which their phones were examined.

The MIPT student, who was about to leave Moscow by bus for Riga, was also interrogated.

After a thorough check of the smartphone, the student was left at the police station for the night, drawing up a protocol on him for obscene language in a public place.

The protocol also said that the police were called because the Ukrainian wanted to leave for borders of Russia,” the guy said.

ReadMinimum progress and big losses. UK Ministry of Defense about the affairs of the Russian occupiers

Meanwhile, the Russian invaders complain about the lack of food and medical care, as well as the fact that their command abandons them.

This is evidenced by the intercepted conversation of one of the Russian occupiers, made public Security Service of Ukraine.

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