Home ยป Su-57 can withstand a nuclear explosion

Su-57 can withstand a nuclear explosion

by alex

The glazing of the su-57 will allow the pilot to withstand a nuclear blast and electromagnetic, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, reported “Interfax” the General Director of ORPE “Technologiya” Andrey Silkin.

According to the head of the enterprise-the developer, the glazing provides radar invisibility of the cabin, and twice the impact strength at a two-fold decrease in its mass.

The CEO said that such characteristics are achieved by molding technology aircraft glazing of monolithic polycarbonate sheet and the use of magnetron applying the new multifunctional coatings based on gold alloy and indium-tin.

In January of 2019 in “Rostec” told about the creation of military aircraft innovative cover glasses, which “increases the absorption of radar waves in two times and reduces the radar signature of the aircraft by 30 percent.” The coating will get su-57, su-30, su-34, su-35, MiG-29K and Tu-160. Commenting on the report, in The National Interest noted that a similar coating cabin on the American aircraft F-16 Fighting Falcon is from the 1980’s.

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