Home » Strong gender: stories of women deputies who went to the front to defend the country

Strong gender: stories of women deputies who went to the front to defend the country

by alex

Among the local deputies, not only men, but women went to the front. A full-scale war also radically changed their fate.

Now more than 40 thousand women are serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Deputies of local councils also serve at the front.

Deputies at the front

Alina Mikhailova

On the military deputy of the Kyiv City Council from the “Voice” and paramedic Alina Mikhailova since 2016. She entered the list of outstanding Ukrainians by the age of 30, bringing our victory closer.

The girl combines military service with a deputy in the city council. In addition to the service, Mikhailova is engaged in advocacy of issues important for Kyiv and Ukraine. She opposed urban “reform”, advocated decommunization and renaming of Kyiv's streets, and wrote about the need to preserve Lysaya Gora as discussions continued about the location of the military memorial cemetery.

By the way, it was at the front that she met her boyfriend Dmitry Kotsyubail (call sign Da Vinci), who, unfortunately, died in the service on March 7, 2023.

Maria Cup

In peacetime, Maria Chashka worked in the Ternopil Regional Council – she was the head of the administration apparatus, but now she is the deputy commander of the “Carpathian Sich” (“Legion of Freedom”) battalion. She is the mother of three children and the director of the Ternopil School of Restaurant Business.

The war for her began 8 years ago, when her son went to the front. Maria also signed a contract and began to study military affairs. When the commander died in battle, she led the unit.

Currently, she is acting as deputy commander of a separate battalion and is serving in the hot spots of Ukraine. Brothers say that the battalion was not disbanded precisely because of her.

Tatiana Shevchenko

Tatyana Shevchenko, a member of the Lviv City Council from European Solidarity, is also at the front. She joined the military registration and enlistment office on February 24, 2022, and now she is serving as part of the 103rd Troop Brigade on the front line as a sanitary instructor.

Shevchenko said that work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the work of a deputy have something in common, since in both positions you serve Ukrainians.

Irina Galay

Deputy Irina Galai from the Transcarpathian Regional Council also serves. The woman admitted that she wanted to defend the country back in 2014, but then she was told that, first of all, they take the military with experience. During a full-scale invasion, she again went to the draft board. As a result, she is serving in the Mukachevo Terrodefense.

By the way, Irina is the record holder of Ukraine, the first Ukrainian climber to climb the two highest peaks of the world – Everest and K2. In his social networks, Galai says that new peaks will be conquered only after victory.

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