Home » State Department Approves Taiwan's $1 Billion Arms Sale: China Promises 'Countermeasures'

State Department Approves Taiwan's $1 Billion Arms Sale: China Promises 'Countermeasures'

by alex

The US State Department approved a potential $1.1 billion sale of military equipment to Taiwan. China has already reacted to this.

The new US military package was announced on September 2. This came after China's aggressive military exercises around Taiwan.

What weapons did the US approve for Taiwan

  • 100 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles land” worth $85.6 million;
  • 60 Harpoon anti-ship missiles worth approximately $355 million;
  • support for Taiwan's $665.4 million surveillance radar program.

Threats have been used in China, and Taiwan thanks

Chinese Embassy spokesman in Washington, Liu Penggui said that a possible the sale of weapons “seriously endangers China-US relations and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.” , – the speaker of the embassy emphasized.

At the same time, US officials say that these weapons will not create new opportunities for Taiwan. It will only support Taiwan's current military systems. That is, the military balance in the region will not change in any way.

“These proposed sales are business as usual to support Taiwan's ongoing efforts to modernize its military and maintain a robust defense capability,” it said.

The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan thanked the American colleagues. The ministry said China's recent actions pose a serious threat, and the sale of weapons will help counter the pressure.

Latest news on the conflict between China and Taiwan

A sharp aggravation of relations between China and Taiwan occurred when US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi flew to the island. China was outraged by the visit of such a high-level official, because it considers Taiwan its territory. Therefore, the state resorted to demonstrating its military strength.

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