Home » Spying on Russian nuclear weapons: the expert explained why the United States raised its rare aircraft into the sky

Spying on Russian nuclear weapons: the expert explained why the United States raised its rare aircraft into the sky

by alex

The United States gave a warning signal that it was ready to respond to a nuclear blackmailing Russia with the recent launch of two of its rare Boeing RC-135 Cobra Ball aircraft near the border of Alaska from the Russian Federation.

In the United States, this is how Russia's nuclear forces are monitored.

Aviation expert Valery Romanenko spoke about this on the air of Radio NV.

These flights should be taken as a warning. The Americans are monitoring the situation in the Russian Federation, and this is one of the manifestations of such monitoring of the situation behind the Russian nuclear forces,” the expert explained.

He also described the characteristics of the Boeing RC-135 Cobra Ball aircraft and their purpose.

“These are specialized reconnaissance aircraft manufactured in 1969-70, equipped with very sophisticated reconnaissance equipment. They are really designed to patrol along the Russian borders in order to detect test and verification test launches of Russian missiles,” Romanenko said. p>

He added that such aircraft can track the trajectory of a missile at distances of 400-500 km, determine its parameters and use this analysis to accurately determine the launch site.

The Boeing RC-135 Cobra Ball's recent flights were training, according to an air expert, although they are very rarely taken to the skies. Against the background of the latest threats from the Russian Federation about the use of nuclear weapons The United States can thus warn the aggressor country.

“This is a warning from America that it is ready, monitoring the situation in Russia and any hostile movements in its direction will be immediately punished,” Romanenko said.

He assured that a nuclear strike against Ukraine from this area is not threatened.

“For in the Soviet Union there were two groups of (nuclear – ed.) missiles that were located in Ukraine and Belarus, and it was aimed at Europe. The other, on the territory of Russia, was aimed at the United States. That is, launches from the Far East on Ukraine is actually unrealistic,” the expert explained.

Recall that on the night of September 24, the United States took to the sky one of the rare aircraft designed to track flights of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

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