Home ยป Sputnik V vaccine efficacy exceeded 95 percent

Sputnik V vaccine efficacy exceeded 95 percent

by alex

The effectiveness of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine has exceeded 95 percent. This was reported on the drug's Twitter account.

According to specialists from the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), on the 28th day after receiving the injection, the effectiveness of the vaccine was 91.4 percent.

Already on the 42nd day after the first injection (21st day after the second injection), preliminary data showed an efficiency of more than 95 percent. It is noted that by this time the volunteers had already formed a stable immune response.

Earlier, the developers of Sputnik V explained the higher efficacy of the Russian vaccine compared to the foreign drug AZD1222 from AstraZeneca. According to them, this is due to the fact that domestic developers use human adenovirus, not chimpanzees.

The American company Pfizer announced on November 18 that its vaccine is 95 percent effective. In a test of more than 43 thousand volunteers, 170 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, of which 162 received a placebo.

To date, two vaccines against COVID-19 have been registered in Russia. The first drug to be registered was Sputnik V. On October 14, President Vladimir Putin announced the registration of EpiVacCorona from the Vector Center. The country is also developing a third drug – this is being done by the Chumakov Center. It is planned that the mass production of the vaccine will begin in February 2021.

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