Home » Snowdrifts above a meter and -21 °: Mount Pop Ivan was covered with snow

Snowdrifts above a meter and -21 °: Mount Pop Ivan was covered with snow

by alex

On one of the highest peaks of the Ukrainian Carpathians – Mount Pip Ivan Chernogorskiy – more than 50 cm of snow fell within two days. In some places the snowdrifts reach over 1 m.

On the morning of December 22, the air temperature at the summit was -21 °. Wind – west, north-west. Its speed reaches up to 14 m/s.

Now, according to the Montenegrin mountain search and rescue post, it is cloudy on Pip Ivan mountain.

Wednesday, December 22, at cloudy and frosty weather is forecasted in all regions of Ukraine. It will snow all day only in Crimea.

In the West of the country, according to the forecast of the Ukrhydrometeorological Center, up to -6 ° is expected.

Daytime temperatures in the North, in particular in Chernihiv and Sumy regions, will drop to -9 ° and to -11 °, respectively.

In the East, in the Luhansk region, it will be even colder – to -12 °. In the central regions – up to -7 °.

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