Home » Smoke from fires in the USA made it to Europe

Smoke from fires in the USA made it to Europe

by alex

Smoke from wildfires on the West Coast of the United States crossed the American continent and the Atlantic Ocean, thus making it to northern Europe. Scientists from the Copernicus European Atmospheric Observation Program (CAMS) reported this with reference to satellite data, CNN reports.

Experts said that thick smoke can be seen with the naked eye more than 5 thousand kilometers from the site of the natural disaster. Most likely, they believe, the smoke will again reach European countries.

“The scale and severity of these fires is at a significantly higher level than in all the other 18 years of our observations … The fires are tens, if not hundreds of times stronger than the average of previous years,” said one of the senior specialists at CAMS Mark Parrington.

At the time of publication, there are 87 active wildfires in the US in 11 states. In California and Oregon, where they rage the most, dozens of people have died or gone missing.

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