Home » “Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine politically and financially” – EU Ambassador

“Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine politically and financially” – EU Ambassador

by alex

Katarina Maternova visited Slovakia on her way from Ukraine to Brussels.

Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine politically and financially, as well as support the opening of negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

The Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Katarina Maternova announced this on her Facebook page after visiting Slovakia. Local officials assured that they would support the start of EU opening negotiations with Ukraine.

“I stopped in Bratislava on the way from Ukraine to Brussels. A lot has been written about Slovakia and Ukraine. I wanted to see with my own eyes the attitude of the new Slovak government towards Ukraine. And now I am leaving Slovakia mostly with a good feeling,” Maternova said.

In Slovakia, she met with President Zuzana Čaputová, Deputy Prime Minister Petr Kmec, Defense Minister Robert Kaliniak and State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marek Eštok. Maternova also spoke with Slovak parliamentarians.

“They all assured me that Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine both politically and financially. Slovakia will support the initiatives of the European Union, including the opening of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU,” wrote Katarina Maternova.

Let us remind you that on November 16, the Union of Road Carriers of Slovakia (UNAS) blocked the border with Ukraine for an hour in support of their Polish colleagues demanding a limit on the number of Ukrainian trucks entering the European Union.

And on November 6, a strike of Polish carriers began at the border. They are blocking the movement of trucks in the direction of the Yagodin-Dorogusk, Krakovets-Korcheva, and Rava-Russkaya-Grebnoye checkpoints.

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