Home » Slave Su-57 “Thunder” revealed

Slave Su-57 “Thunder” revealed

by alex

The Grom-E guided missile and bomb armament system is based on the Kh-38ME modular multipurpose guided missile equipped with various homing head (GOS) variants. Boris Obnosov, General Director of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation (KTRV), revealed to the Military Industrial Courier the details of the promising weapon tested by the Okhotnik heavy attack drone, which is the wingman of the fifth generation Su-57 fighter.

“The modular construction of this ammunition provides almost unlimited possibilities for creating modifications with various types of combat equipment and guidance systems. And high flight performance allows realizing an almost circular reach zone, including the rear hemisphere, ”said the manager.

According to the general director of KTRV, “Grom-E” can be used “for all types of targets, regardless of their mobility.”

Answering the question of the newspaper about getting into the rating of the American edition of Defense News of the world's largest military-industrial companies for 2020 (35th place), Obnosov noted that “on supplies abroad, there are issues that require constant attention.”

“For example, there is a problem with payment for products already delivered. Sanctions don't just go away. Alas, sometimes some customers and bankers take advantage of this, delaying payment tranches, ”said the manager.

According to him, the net profit of KTRV at the end of 2020 amounted to 22.8 billion rubles.

Product 9-A-7759 (“Grom-E” in export version) is an aircraft bomb with a planning and control module. The complex is offered in three versions, including a modification with a solid propellant propulsion system. Depending on the modification, the launch weight of the complex is estimated at 500-600 kilograms. The maximum missile launch range varies within 65-120 kilometers, the speed is 500-1200 kilometers per hour. The rocket is over 4.1 meters long and over 0.3 meters in diameter.

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