Home » Since childhood, Putin already had two clones – a psychologist about the twins of the dictator

Since childhood, Putin already had two clones – a psychologist about the twins of the dictator

by alex

Rumor has it that Vladimir Putin has a lot of doubles. They act instead of the dictator at various events, which generates a lot of discussion. In particular, it is not known for certain how old the real Putin is.

According to government sources, he is 70 years old. Others say that he is 72 years old. This was said by Channel 24, Ph.D. in Psychology Dmitry Popov.

“He looks like a bunker at this age. And those whom we saw in Gostiny Dvor and at the stadium are somewhat younger. I wouldn’t even give 60 to the stadium one. psychologist noted.

Two ways of Putin

It is believed that Vladimir Putin deliberately hides his age. According to some information, his date of birth, which is on Wikipedia, is false. This was almost confirmed by a correspondent from the Baltic countries who explored two paths of Putin's development.

Even as a child, he already has two clones. That is, Putin is a complete theater, – says the psychologist.

We are talking about the following ways of developing a dictator:

  • official;

As if Putin is from the Russian outback, where his father was a worker. “The mother was also not in the highest statuses, a housewife or something like that,” said the candidate of psychological sciences.

  • from Georgia.

There, Putin had a stepfather and a mother who tried to survive at his expense. “And it was there that one day this “iron character” was born in Putin. In fact, I don’t even see the real Putin as having an iron character. But there are such myths,” said Dmitry Popov.

The real Putin is already dead

  • After the speeches of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin at the federal assembly on February 21 and at the Luzhniki stadium on February 22, they again started talking about his doubles. Popov assures that the real Putin has not been seen in public space since 2006.
  • According to the psychologist, there are several signals indicating that the Russian dictator is in fact already dead. Popov recalled that in the Russian space it was at that time that they noticed how his wife Lyudmila Putina began to live a life separate from her husband. “When my wife gave an interview and said that he (Putin – Channel 24) has not been since 2006. Maybe by mistake, or maybe something really “exploded” with her. This is not on the video. It was printed, “- he said.
  • The psychologist added that it was impossible to verify whether this was true. But there is such information and it may be a signal in order to assume the death of the real Putin.

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