Home » Sikorsky assessed the possibility of Putin's attack on Poland

Sikorsky assessed the possibility of Putin's attack on Poland

by alex

In Poland they understand all the dangers from the Russian Federation.

In Poland “they will not be at all surprised” if the Russian Federation decides attack the country.

This opinion was expressed by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in an interview with BILD.

“Russia has attacked Poland many times in 500 years of our history. Therefore, we will not be at all surprised. Russia is losing because we, the West, are much stronger than Russia. Today Ukraine is not fighting herself. Unlike previous years, we will not fight alone.”,” he said.

At the same time, according to him, German politicians seem to be satisfied that Russia will be ready for an attack only in four to five years, and by then Germany will be ready.

“Putin reacts only to pressure, to harsh arguments of brute force”, added Polish Foreign Minister in an interview with BILD.

He stated that wars never go in one direction, their inflow and outflow change from time to time.

“We have a choice: either we have a victorious Russian army outside Ukraine, or a victorious Russian army on the border with Poland. And then Putin will do the same as Hitler did with Czechoslovakia: he will take the industry and people in Ukraine and mobilize them to continue the war. It is better to stop Putin in Ukraine, 500-700 km away.

We wrote earlier that Poland understands all the threats from Russia, and therefore is already preparing for a possible attack by the aggressor state.

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