Home ยป Sikorski said that he forbids Poland from shooting down Russian missiles

Sikorski said that he forbids Poland from shooting down Russian missiles

by alex

The Times writes that Poland and its regional allies are hastily preparing for a possible new attack by the Russian Federation.

Poland is “constitutionally obliged” to shoot down missiles flying in its direction, but NATO prohibits this to do.

This was stated by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, according to an article by The Times columnist Edward Lucas.

As the article says, if Russia causes fear in NATO border countries, then the United States is disappointed due to its indecisive position.

“Some representatives of border states believe that several years ago the United States responded to a serious Russian cyberattack by briefly cutting off electricity in Moscow. They would like to see an equally strong response to much more frequent attacks on them,” the author of the article noted.

According to Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, the United States “has the means to draw real red lines if they want to, why we can't do this for NATO?”

Lucas noted that although Poland, as well as the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, hope for Ukraine's victory and provide enormous assistance, they fear that Russia could win due to its numbers.

“No matter how the war ends, in a few years Russia will be ready for a new war. NATO is not ready for this, it does not have sufficient supplies, plans and weapons… Therefore, Poland and its regional allies are hastily preparing for the worst and to fight alone if necessary,” the article states.

Recall that on July 8, an agreement was signed between Ukraine and Poland, which provided for the possibility of intercepting Russian missiles and drones by Polish forces in the skies over Ukraine flying in the direction of Poland. However, soon after that, the Polish Defense Ministry announced that they would not shoot down missiles without the consent of all NATO members.

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