Home » Significant event: the Cabinet of Ministers announced a test disconnection from the power systems of the Russian Federation and Belarus

Significant event: the Cabinet of Ministers announced a test disconnection from the power systems of the Russian Federation and Belarus

by alex

In the near future, Ukraine will conduct a test for energy independence: it will disconnect from the energy systems of Russia and Belarus for three days.

This was stated today during a telethon dedicated to the Day of Unity, First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko.

She called the test disconnection from the Russian and Belarusian energy systems a landmark event for our state.

– In the near future, Ukraine is waiting for a significant event. Ukraine will test its energy independence. We will be disconnected from the power systems of Russia and Belarus for three days. We will prove to ourselves and Europe that we are able to independently ensure energy independence,” Sviridenko stressed, without specifying the specific date of disconnection.

Commenting on the passage of the heating season, she noted that, despite the negative forecasts, the energy system of Ukraine survived.

“Today there is such a historic event: we have 15 NPP units operating at full capacity and ensure the energy stability of our state,” Sviridenko said.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, as of now, coal reserves in Ukraine amount to more than 1 million tons (in warehouses and in ports), which is “twice as much as it was last year.”

And there are 10.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas in Ukrainian gas storage facilities.

“That is why I think that we are going through this heating season very calmly and carefully,” Sviridenko assured.

As you know, Ukraine seeks to sign the so-called energy visa-free regime with the European Union. We are talking about joining the pan-European energy grid ENTSO-E.

As noted in the Cabinet of Ministers, the integration of the energy system of Ukraine into the European one is of great importance for the energy security of our state and Europe.

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