Home ยป Shape-shifting whale fish spotted off California coast

Shape-shifting whale fish spotted off California coast

by alex

Shape-shifting whale fish spotted off California coast

Off the coast of California, scientists have photographed a unique whale fish that changes its shape several times during its life. Reported by the Daily Mail .

The fish was spotted at a depth of 2,000 meters. It was discovered and photographed when researchers used a remote submarine to explore the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

First discovered in 1895, the whalefish has long remained a mystery to the scientific community as it changes its body shape a lot during its lifetime. Initially, the fish looks like an eel, as they mature, males develop long noses, and females become like whales, acquiring an orange-red color. In 2003, scientists proved that the male and the female are one species of fish.

During the entire observation period, the unique fish was found only 18 times.

Scientists have previously discovered a new species of fish that live in the Bering Sea. A new species in honor of the Russian and Soviet ichthyologist Pyotr Schmidt.

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