Home » Sex scandal in Poland: a priest raped an altar boy for 12 years and accused him of “seduction”

Sex scandal in Poland: a priest raped an altar boy for 12 years and accused him of “seduction”

by alex

The guy said that he suffered for years due to sexual abuse by a priest.

In Poland, a priest was accused of raping an altar boy for 12 years. Then he was a teenager and served in the temple.

The Polish publication Onet writes about this.

The priest gave the boy's parents 500 zlotys for silence

In 2015, former altar boy Shimon contacted the Catholic Church to report that he had been sexually abused by a priest for years. However, the curia was in no hurry to consider his complaint. Then he turned to law enforcement officers and began communicating with journalists.

Shimon said that he grew up in a dysfunctional family, and therefore began to communicate with the priest. When the church minister began to pester him, the boy told his parents about everything. The priest apologized and gave the boy's parents 500 zlotys.

The priest continued to mock the teenager, but everyone kept silent about it

The altar server said that the priest gave him alcohol and raped him for years, and all this was hushed up. One day Shimon went to confession and told everything to another priest, who advised him to go to the curia.

After the accusations, the priest was removed from service, but he continued to celebrate masses in another church.

The priest stated that “he was provoked”

The publication Onet claims that during the canonical proceedings, which ended with his removal from the priesthood, Father Krzysztof G. admitted that he had sexual contact with the altar boy. He claimed that the altar boy provoked him because he was “dressed provocatively.”

When the investigation by the prosecutor's office began, the former priest no longer admitted his guilt. In turn, the Poznań Curia, which had evidence exposing the clergyman, did not want to hand it over to the prosecutor’s office.

The priest faces severe punishment

Despite obstacles from the Poznań Curia, the Chodzież prosecutor's office filed an indictment against the former priest. In 2020, she accused him of raping Shimon several times, taking advantage of his dependent position and difficult life situation. The indictment covers activities between 2001 and 2013. During the investigation, the priest pleaded not guilty. He stated that he was homosexual, but never harmed Shimon.

On November 15, the criminal trial against the former priest ended in a court in Chodziez. The prosecution calls for 13 years in prison for him.

“If the court agrees with the prosecutor’s findings, it will likely be the harshest sentence in the history of Polish justice for a former priest accused of sex crimes. The verdict will be announced on Wednesday, November 29,” writes the Polish publication.

Let us remind you that in the Polish city of Dabrovo Gurnichy, priests in the temple staged an orgy with their prostitute husband.

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