Home » Serious allegations: will LASK boss lose his doctorate?

Serious allegations: will LASK boss lose his doctorate?

by alex

LASK President Siegmund Gruber

In 2005, LASK President Siegmund Gruber submitted his doctoral thesis. Now there are serious allegations: Large parts of the dissertation have been written off.

At least that's what Stefan Weber claims, who as a “plagiarism hunter” has already cost numerous celebrities their academic title. Most recently, he published an opinion on Gruber's dissertation, which the LASK boss had submitted in 2005 at the Kepler University in Linz with a co-author. Title of the 380-page work: “Requirements and institutionalization of socio-economic cooperation for the prevention of money laundering.”

Weber complained about 79 plagiarism fragments on 77 pages, more than 25 percent of the entire work. There are “serious violations of the rules of good scientific practice.” The “annulment of the evaluation of the dissertation as well as the revocation of the doctoral title” is necessary for him.

Gruber, of course, sees it differently and says in a written statement that was published on Monday: “I wrote my dissertation over 15 years ago to the best of my knowledge and belief do not comment. I assume that the university will examine this and, if necessary, contact me. “

With the allegations of plagiarism, LASK has another upset in an already turbulent time. Also on Monday, the Bundesliga penultimate parted from coach Dominik Thalhammer. In the last few months there has been a point deduction for prohibited training during the Corona period, league proceedings against Vice President Jürgen Werner, who then resigned from his position, and internal club problems due to the stadium project.

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