Home » Seismologist's predictions about strong earthquakes in Russia come true: Kamchatka shook three times

Seismologist's predictions about strong earthquakes in Russia come true: Kamchatka shook three times

by alex

During the first earthquake, the locals felt a double shock, the second of them was more powerful.

The predictions of Dutch scientist Frank Hougerbits, who predicted devastating tremors in Turkey and Syria and said that Russia would suffer from a “mega-earthquake”, began to come true. Despite the fact that Russian seismologists were skeptical of his forecasts, three powerful tremors occurred in Kamchatka within three hours.

This was reported on Wednesday, March 8, by Russian propagandists with reference to the data of the Kamchatka branch of the FGBUN FRC “Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences.”

Shocks of magnitude 3.8 and 6.1 occurred near Severo-Kurilsk, another earthquake of magnitude 4.1 was recorded 200 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The earthquake sources were located at a depth of 59 km and 41 km. They were fixed with a difference of about an hour and a half.

At the first earthquake, local residents said they felt a double shock. According to them, the first was less weak, the second turned out to be much stronger – in some houses, chandeliers swayed on the ceilings.

Dutch seismologist Frank Hougerbits predicted a “megaquake” of magnitude 8.5 in the first week of March. At the same time, he noted that the shocks will affect Kamchatka, the Kuriles, Japan and Indonesia, and the reason is the convergence of the geometry of the Earth, Mercury and Saturn.

Hougerbits became famous after the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria: three days before he warned of possible shocks of magnitude 7.5.

Russian experts were skeptical about his forecast: at the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory he was called a “soothsayer behind the stars,” and Daniil Chebrov, director of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences, assured that there were no signs of an earthquake on the peninsula.

Recall that Frank Hougerbits on his YouTube channel Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) warned that during the first week of March, a “megaquake” of magnitude 8.5 or higher could occur on Earth.

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