Home » Scotland becomes first country with free pads and tampons

Scotland becomes first country with free pads and tampons

by alex

Scotland is the first country in the world to commit to providing pads and tampons free of charge to anyone who needs it. It is reported by the BBC Russian Service.

Members of the Scottish Parliament voted unanimously in favor of the relevant bill – “Bill of goods for menstruation.” The ubiquitous feminine hygiene product distribution scheme should be fully operational within two years.

According to the bill, any resident of the country, if necessary, should be able to get free pads, tampons or other existing feminine hygiene products without difficulties and without losing self-esteem. The new law also requires schools and other educational institutions in Scotland to provide pads and tampons to female students. At the same time, it is specified that in practice this is already happening in educational institutions.

The bill was sponsored by Labor MP Monica Lennon, who has campaigned since 2016 to combat a situation where girls and women cannot afford to buy personal care products. She considers such a decision progressive and especially relevant during the coronavirus pandemic, which has hit the poorest segments of the population.

Scotland is preparing to become the first country with free pads and tampons, The Independent reported on November 24. It was noted that the relevant law will be considered in the local parliament. It was about the final discussion of the bill, which is called “Bill of goods for menstruation”, the preliminary costs of the implementation of which amounted to 9.7 million pounds sterling (almost 13 million US dollars).

On November 17, Thai authorities drafted a bill to allow abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Parliament is expected to pass the new law approved by the Cabinet by February 2021.

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