Home » Scientists talk about the risk of stroke in children after COVID-19

Scientists talk about the risk of stroke in children after COVID-19

by alex

It is quite difficult to detect this: there are no external symptoms.

Scientists talked about the risk of developing a stroke in children after suffering a coronavirus. In addition, children who have recovered from COVID-19 may experience other rare neurological pathologies: spinal cord inflammation, paralysis. It is quite difficult to detect such anomalies: babies have no external symptoms. Medical professionals can recognize signs of damage to the brain and other organs of the central nervous system only with the help of magnetic resonance imaging.

All these disorders appear when the immune system begins to attack the nerve cells of its own body,

Experts recommend: at the first sign of any complications in a child who has undergone a coronavirus, you should immediately show the baby to a doctor.

“Attention to the neurological effects of COVID-19 and recognition of neuroimaging manifestations that may be encountered in children can facilitate correct and timely diagnosis, mitigate the spread of the disease, and prevent significant morbidity and mortality, ” emphasized in an expert review published in The Lancet, Dr. Medicine, the head of the neuroradiology department of the Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, Susan Palaces.

Read more news about the coronavirus here.

Photo: Depositphotos

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