Health professionals from different countries have signed a petition to the participants of the UN conference on climate change, which will be held in early November in Glasgow, according to
In the address, scientists and doctors stressed that global warming will hit the health of the world's population more than the coronavirus pandemic, if all possible measures are not taken to curb climate change.
Scientists noted that the consequences of an increase in the average temperature on Earth can already be observed: storms, floods, heat waves and droughts are taking the lives of millions of people.
The authors of the petition called on the participants of the UN conference to take measures to counter global warming. These include the development of clean energy, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a “low-carbon” health care system and other measures aimed at preserving human health.
As the site wrote earlier, according to the report of one of the most authoritative sources on the state of the Earth's atmosphere – the UN World Meteorological Organization – in the near future the world will face a global water crisis.
The same report says that since 2000 the number of natural disasters associated with floods and floods has increased by a third (34%) compared with two decades of the last century. The number of drought-related disasters increased by almost the same amount (29%), primarily in Africa, North America and Asia.