Home ยป Scientists have warned of the dangers of the “silent killer”

Scientists have warned of the dangers of the “silent killer”

by alex

Scientists at the Australian Heart Research Institute have warned of the dangers of sleep apnea – the so-called “silent killer”. Writes about this Express.

For example, sleep apnea raises adrenaline levels. It causes high blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attacks, coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and stroke.

People with sleep apnea also have a greater risk of diabetes mellitus, erectile dysfunction, memory and concentration loss, headaches, and mood disorders and depression.

Earlier, somnologist Elena Tsareva said that difficulties with night sleep may appear in those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, as well as inflammation. She advised those who wake up in the middle of the night three times a week or more for several months, or who snore constantly, to see a doctor. This, according to the expert, can lead to respiratory arrest – apnea.

Apnea is an arrest of respiratory movements. In particular, it can be observed when the blood is depleted of carbon dioxide caused by excessive ventilation of the lungs.

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