Home » Scientists have proposed to send the Russian robot “Marfa” to the Moon

Scientists have proposed to send the Russian robot “Marfa” to the Moon

by alex

Scientists have proposed to send the Russian robot “Marfa” to the Moon

Russian scientists are studying the possibility of sending a robot “Martha” to the moon, which could collect soil samples there for further research. TASS writes about this with reference to Lev Zeleny, scientific director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to him, this robotic system stands for mobile autonomous robotic functional equipment.

It is noted that the robot is able to imitate a person. It can be delivered to the moon along with the lander. There he will disconnect, collect the necessary samples and put them in the apparatus.

“It is not necessary to return to Earth. It will show that a person can sit down, ”Zeleny stressed.

Earlier, the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said that the first manned missions of the Russian Federation to the moon will be carried out with the help of several launches of carrier rockets of the Angara family.

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