Home ยป Scientists have caught coronavirus in the spread of ventilation

Scientists have caught coronavirus in the spread of ventilation

by alex

The coronavirus can be spread through ventilation in apartment buildings. This was suspected by South Korean scientists after people living on different floors of the same building became infected, Fox News reports.

Experts conducted the study after a series of new cases of COVID-19 were identified on different floors of a residential complex in Seoul in August. First, a resident of the sixth floor and her family received a positive test result. After that, the coronavirus was detected in the child living on the floor below and his mother, and then in their neighbor from the fourth floor. In addition, people living above them on the 10th and 11th floors received a positive test result.

At the same time, all the infected stated that they did not know each other and did not contact, wore masks outside their apartments, and two did not even use the elevators. It turned out that cases of infection were detected in families whose apartments are united by common ventilation in the house, and the virus was caught in the fact that it was transmitted through a hole in the bathroom.

Earlier, Alexander Gorelov, deputy director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, assessed the risk of contracting coronavirus at street events. The risk of infection is lower outdoors than indoors, he said. However, the epidemiologist recalled that the rules for preventing the spread of the virus should still be followed on skating rinks and slides.

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