Home ยป Scientists have announced the possibility of humans to develop the ability like dolphins

Scientists have announced the possibility of humans to develop the ability like dolphins

by alex

Some animals, such as dolphins and bats, use echolocation to determine the location of objects. Japanese scientists have stated that a person can also develop this ability in himself.

The idea that humans may have the ability to echolocate is not new. New research shows that humans can use this skill to shape various objects. The participants in the experiment were able to recognize objects only by perceiving the sounds reflected from them.

The volunteers had to identify two cylinders of different shapes. They could not see objects, but they could make a high frequency sound with a special device. They then listened to the reflected sound through headphones and tried to guess which cylinder was hidden.

People were able to identify the cylinders, but only on the condition that they rotated. When the objects didn't move, nothing worked.

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