Home » Scientists discover tea's ability to kill coronavirus in saliva

Scientists discover tea's ability to kill coronavirus in saliva

by alex

Tea can kill the coronavirus in saliva, but not for long. If the drink is held in the mouth for 10 seconds, the virus cannot be found in the saliva sample. However, its particles will be restored within a few minutes. Japanese scientists came to such a discovery, and then their conclusions were confirmed by their Russian colleagues, the newspaper Izvestia writes.

This is because tea contains substances that can destroy the protein around the virus, which helps it penetrate into the cell.

“Tea contains tannins, in particular tannin. It is a powerful denaturing agent that causes the destruction of proteins, including viral ones. Therefore, the stronger the tea, the more tannin and the higher the effect of inactivating the virus, ”explained Georgy Suslyanok, associate professor of the Department of Biotechnology and Technology of Bioorganic Synthesis Products, MGUPP, adding that the effect of the drink is also influenced by its temperature.

The researchers suggested that the antioxidants catechins contained in tea leaves, which, when returned, create other biologically active substances, kill the virus. In an experiment, scientists found that black tea lowers the titer of the coronavirus to undetectable. Then they tried to infect cells from another tube with the obtained samples. Almost no virus particles were found in the final sample.

Experts emphasized that tea in moderation is harmless, but there is no need to talk about its benefits for the treatment or prevention of coronavirus. In addition, excessive consumption of this drink leads to dehydration, and it is easier for the virus to attach to dry tissues.

Earlier it was reported that a substance capable of destroying the coronavirus is contained in licorice root. We are talking about glycyrrhizic acid.

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