Home » Scientists believe it is possible for humans to reproduce on Mars

Scientists believe it is possible for humans to reproduce on Mars

by alex

Scientists at the Japanese Yamanashi University conducted an experiment to find out the possibility of human reproduction on Mars. To do this, the researchers stored the sperm of mice on the International Space Station for six years, exposing it to radiation.

Experts assumed that cosmic radiation would destroy human DNA, thus making reproduction on Mars impossible. Cancer caused by radiation could also prevent reproduction. However, the results of the new study are encouraging. In particular, after six years of storing mice sperm on the space station, it was revealed that it was still in a healthy state. Moreover, scientists believe that sperm can survive on Mars for up to 200 years.

These discoveries are essential for humanity to advance into the space age. When the time comes to migrate to other planets, we will need to preserve the diversity of genetic resources not only for humans, but also for domestic animals and domestic animals , ”said one of the study's authors, Professor Sayaka Wakayama from Japan's Yamanashi University.

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