Home » Schwarzenegger called Trump's attempt to revise election results “crazy”

Schwarzenegger called Trump's attempt to revise election results “crazy”

by alex

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called the attempt by the current US President Donald Trump to revise the election results “crazy”. He wrote about this in an article for The Economist.

Schwarzenegger noted that there is no doubt about who won the vote. He stressed that continuing this absurdity is stupid and evil. According to the actor, as an immigrant, American and Republican, he simply cannot stay in the country.

The artist also said that he grew up in the ruins of a country that abandoned democracy and faced the consequences of this. It is noted that Schwarzenegger was born in Austria, which was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1938.

On January 5, Trump announced that Vice President Michael Pence has the right to revise the results of the November 3 presidential election. According to the American leader, Pence has all the necessary powers to invalidate electors who were elected fraudulently in the disputed states. Later, The New York Times reported that Pence refused to change the election results at the behest of Trump.

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