Home » Scholz positions himself as “chancellor of peace” for the sake of the election campaign – Bild

Scholz positions himself as “chancellor of peace” for the sake of the election campaign – Bild

by alex

< p>Scholz refused to approve the supply of missiles to Ukraine.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is positioning himself as “Chancellor of Peace” for the sake of the election campaign, following in the footsteps of Schroeder's predecessor.

Bild writes about this.

Last week Olaf Scholz spoke out against the supply of German Taurus missiles to Kyiv and the sending of troops to Ukraine. The newspaper Handelsblatt writes that this is the beginning of Scholz's election campaign, who wants to present himself as a “Chancellor of Peace” to increase the ratings of his SPD party.

Social Democrat Ralf Stegnerhe directly said that “under a different chancellor, we would probably have been a party to the conflict long ago.” The politician recalled that in 2002, SPD Chancellor Gerhard Schröder rejected the participation of the Bundeswehr in the war in Iraq. Then this increased his rating.

As BILD editor-in-chief Robert Schneider writes, now he has resorted to the same tactics and Scholz. The journalist calls him a “fake chancellor of peace,” noting that only pressure on Russia can end the war in Ukraine. Schneider is confident that Taurus deliveries “will really impress the Russians, as evidenced by the publication of the wiretaps of German officers.”

“During the decades of brutal bloc confrontation after 1945, the most reliable deterrence prevented a new war in Europe and allowed West Berlin to survive. And we never made any impression on Putin. On the contrary , he should only be pleased with how the West is publicly disintegrating on the issue of Ukraine. Its troops are advancing on the battlefield. And the Russian economy is growing, despite sanctions,” – the message says.

The editor-in-chief of BILD adds that the Moscow dictator can be stopped only when he is afraid of losing the war and, as a result, losing power in Russia. Only then will he be ready to give up.

“The policy of appeasement, appeasement and lifeless military support for Ukraine, on the contrary, only inspires him. And Vladimir Zelensky in Kiev has to fear Peace Chancellor Olaf Scholz more than Vladimir Putin in Moscow” , – writes the author of the publication.

Recall that the refusal of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to approve the supply of missiles to Ukraine caused criticism from German politicians against the backdrop of the espionage scandal that flared up in the Bundeswehr.< /p>

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