Home » Scholz called Zelensky on the phone and told him about the calls to Putin and Macron

Scholz called Zelensky on the phone and told him about the calls to Putin and Macron

by alex

Scholz phoned Zelensky/Getty Images

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz just won fame with his phone calls to Putin. But this time he phoned our President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The conversation took place on the morning of June 8th. Scholz told Zelensky that he discussed with Putin and Macron in the last calls back on May 28.

Ukrainian grain export

Federal government spokesman Steffen Hebestrait said following the conversation that the German Chancellor and the President of Ukraine also exchanged views on the current military and humanitarian situation in our state.

They agreed that everything must be done to export grain from Ukraine especially by sea. Russia has blocked our ports. Now the Russians are stealing grain and exporting it to sell it later.

Scholz and Zelensky continue to keep in touch and exchange views on options for further support for Ukraine. Therefore, they agreed that they should continue to be in close contact.

Scholz's position

  • Olaf Scholz has been repeatedly accused of delaying the transfer of heavy weapons to Ukraine. This is despite the fact that he publicly supports our state and says that weapons should be given. For example, in Greece, which is to transfer its BMPs to Ukraine in exchange for German ones, they are surprised at the length of Scholz's plans. There was information that the first German tanks in Greece are expected to be seen no earlier than in 2 months. And when they will be in Ukraine, it is generally unknown.
  • Scholz himself even boasted of the military assistance that Ukraine received from Germany. It was during the debates in the Bundestag. Scholz assured his opponents that Germany had allegedly already sent a lot of weapons to Ukraine. We are talking about anti-tank and portable anti-aircraft missile systems. And about 15 million rounds of ammunition.
  • Also, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised to help unblock Ukrainian ports so that our state could again export products. He did not specify how he would do this.

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