Home ยป Saving the harvest: is it necessary to weed in the heat?

Saving the harvest: is it necessary to weed in the heat?

by alex

Saving the harvest: is it necessary to weed in the heat?

In many regions of Russia, the weather is particularly hot. Many summer residents believe that at this time one should not fight with weeds, since the shade from them should protect the crop. However, experts have a different opinion, writes Utro.ru.

It is advisable to weed the beds in the heat, so as not to harvest a meager crop later. Experts explain that in this weather the land is very dehydrated, and even with abundant watering, the plants do not receive the required amount of moisture. And then the weeds take water for themselves. As a result, gardeners get an abundance of weeds and small fruits.

Earlier, MIR 24 wrote what work needs to be done in the garden in June. First of all, root crops planted in May will require care. Carrots should be thinned out, and beets should be dived. You should also take care of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Root crops must be continued to huddle every 2-3 weeks. Tomatoes can be tied up and stepchildren removed. Every two weeks, it is advisable to feed the bushes with a solution of manure with bird droppings, closer to July they are treated from phytophthora. It is important not to forget to pinch the cucumbers so that they bear fruit well and do not taste bitter.

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